I started looking for a “new” car back in Dec.I wanted something new-to-me, and a bit safer/more comfortable for driving here in Naples. But I didn’t NEED a new car, as I was driving my Naples beater a 2009 Honda fit which I purchased a year ago for 3k.I test drive one that I like, but it's now sold. He wants me to buy another sight unseen and without a test drive. His explanation, “These are German cars, they’re all exactly the same.” We walk out, thinking this is ridiculous: who would buy a $30K car and not see it and/or test drive it. That’s insane.He calls and says that if I pay $300 shipping fee, he will bring it down and I can test drive it, if I don’t like it, I can have my $300 back.Okay. We do that and sign a contract agreeing to but the car (again sight unseen on 9 April and pay the $300, only.)Arranging the test drive was a mess… as I went out of town for Easter and then again for work to Sweden and he didn’t communicate to me that the office would be closed on easter Monday, my only day available.The car was shipped down and we finally test drive it on Saturday April 23rd. An no, its is NOT exactly like the other one: no tinted windows, no sunroof, unsure on all the other options, but suffice to say, not an exact copy.The caution light is on and I am told that one of the batteries in the key fob remote is dead and needs to be changed. Okay, I say, that will be fixed/replaced prior to final sale, correct - Yes, he says. There were a few very minor scrapes on the rear lower corner panel that happened during delivery, which he said he would have painted and fixed. I said, instead, please get the windows tinted and we’ll call it even. He said fine.I agree to buy it and sign a contract and transfer the money on 27 April and get an appointment at MVRO to register the car on the 28th.Finally, leaving MVRO, I rush to get the paperwork at MVRO only to find out that he is away on vacation and the office will not open again until 2 May. This information would have been great to know, especially as I now sit in 45 min of traffic to re-enter the base at 5 pm. Sigh…more of my time wasted.I then send my paperwork via what’s app (since he’s not in the office) and he says that it will take several days to clear customs. Okay, but to my surprise it clears customs and is ready for pickup on Monday afternoon - except the windows have not yet been tinted and he tells me that Tuesday afternoon would the earliest that he can have it available. This is exactly when I have NO time. And the rest of the week I am unavailable with a few items I could have scheduled later (if I had known?!). Specifically, a minor procedure which would prevent me from driving, so earliest that I car pick up my car is Friday.So I set that up and he even agrees that if necessary he would pick me at from the Support Site (very kind of him.) on Friday morning. I confirm this on Thursday.When I arrive at 0950, he is talking on the phone and the car is disgusting dirty - a storm came through the prior evening. But it’s now almost ten am - he couldn’t spray it with a hose or have it washed?He says, ”Well it rained last night. You can take it to my guy… and while you're there, you can have the batteries changed in the key fob remotes.” You know the discrepancy we had agreed would be fixed weeks ago, during the initial test drive?!.They offered to make this right for me and refunded the $300 fee that I paid to have the car shipped here offered to buy a full tank of gas. That, in my opinion, is very small compensation for my time wasted, and the fact that my car (bought, paid and fully insured) just sat there for almost a week, with my being unable to use it. I'm not sure that I got a fair deal here, but they at least heard and understood my complaints.I have had my car for 2 months and love the car - but I did not love the experience at PMA.Good luck - be VERY EXPLICIT with your expectations.